More females answered my survey, meaning that my results are likely to be biased.
A majority of the people who took my survey enjoyed my video.
For a majority of these results, people chose the positive answers. The only parts of my video that really recieved negative feedback was the song, lip synching and actress. This means that the song is somewhat important to the actual music video, meaning that maybe the idea of the video improving the song may not actually be true. The lower rating on the lip synching means that the technical part of the video make a difference and are very important, possibly more so than the song and video. If it looks professional, people will enjoy it more. The most positive feedback I got for my video was to do with the costume and make up. The make up used is not the usual type seen in videos, meaning that people enjoy seeing something different from what they usually would see.
From these results I can see that people enjoy it when a video and song link in some way, in my case its with the story matching the lyrics and the clear link with the facepainting. They also like the story behind it, meaning that people enjoy a music video to mean something and make sense.
This proves my earlier point of the lip synching being a key part to the video, that it has to be perfect. If the video does not look professional, people are less likely to enjoy it. A range of different locations and shots is also key, if the video revolves around the same thing too often it may become boring andrepertivite. Again, this also shows that the song is key, if people do not like the song, especially if it is long like mine.
As alot of the feedback is positive, it an be suggested that people enjoy things that are different from what they know, they haven't see the story and make up used in mine often and so when they do they are more likely to enjoy it.
From this, I can see that people despite the story line being somewhat complex and confusing, people did understand my video. This means that people like to understand what they watch.
These again reinforce what I have already have found out from this survey.
Here is a video focus group I conducted. Once again, this reinforces what I have already found out from my aducience feedback.
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